Since most common business operations have gone digital, the need to respond intelligently to business events as they occur has become mission critical.
The window to respond intelligently to business events continues to contract.
Responses that used to happen in days, need to happen in seconds, or even
microseconds. In a click-and-go world, every missed opportunity becomes an open
door to the competition. Only those companies who figure out how to automate
intelligent responses to real time business events will succeed.
An immediate response used to require an army of software engineers to stitch
together multiple products. Because complex engineering is expensive, only the
largest and most profitable companies were able to build recommendation and
response engines. Recent market trends are coalescing to make automated, real time
responses possible for almost every midmarket and enterprise company.
John Santaferraro, CEO and Head Research Analyst at Ferraro Consulting, recently
published a paper highlighting how current trends are coalescing around real time insight. The paper, Automating Intelligence for Real Time Decisions: Responding to Business Events with
Context Aware Insight, also includes a brief overview of how one vendor ,, simplifies the road to automated, real time insight.
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